
EP Review


What’s for breakfast? No, I think you mean, "who are For Breakfast?" (You really ought to know.)

A fresh and impressive culmination of Harvey Causon’s broad range of lyrical and musical influences.

Strange Cages have released their Silver Queen EP, full of frenetic twists and scorching turns. Charlie from the band gives us a track by track breakdown.

If Lola Colt were LSD, Saint Agnes are mescaline.

Leeds post-punks Drahla have dropped their highly anticipated debut EP. Believe us when we tell you it’s absolutely cracking.

Junkyard Jazz is a thirteen minute heartwarming nostalgia and playfulness trip. Expect Trudy and the Romance to be the next big thing.

Prism Tats have released a video for single '11:11' from their latest EP of the same name; out now on Anti- Records.

Till Deaf Do Us Party in the UK have partnered up with the Like A Can Of Beans record label over in Denmark to introduce us all to new Danish rockers, The Entrepreneurs. 

After an eventful 2015 touring with the likes of the Wytches and the Kills, Danish trio Baby In Vain are set to release roaring EP For The Kids this week. We're obsessed with it.

Edinburgh’s dark pop princess, Elle Exxe, releases startling debut EP Love To Hate You

Exactly as their name suggests, JOHN is John Newton (drums and vox) and Johnny Healey (guitar).

Norwich-based shoegazers Teen Brains have released an absolute belter with their self-titled debut EP on CHUD Records.

An eclectic bundle of joy from a fairly surprising super-group that outweighs its parts.

From the first dirty blues chords of 'XO, Skeleton', Hailey Wojcik's latest EP brings the intimacy of Laura Marling together with a raw, sexy danger.

Newcastle four-piece, High Tide 15:47 describe their debut EP as, "A fuzzy twist on influences from the shoe-gaze and dream-pop scenes of the late eighties and early nineties".

Welcome to Wester, from 28 Boulevard is charming and honest; it’s a fresh change that celebrates adolescence while never trying too hard. It’s very nearly brilliant.

Red House Glory released their three track EP Living A Lie at the start of this month. Expect highly polished rock and a longing for more.

Holland’s big-deal alternative rock band De Staat are an untapped gold mine for rock fans who feel the lethargy in their favourite genre.

An artistic and original EP, Acre Tarn's debut, Clasp & Shake might not shake the charts, or even your eardrums, but it's an incredible listen and worth your time and consideration.

Take Turns' self released Animal Fat EP is out 17.11.14. Alex Driscoll delves in to its rough indie, fatty inner workings.

Alex Driscoll looks at how “invasive” an EP from a woman whose previous release was titled 'Safer' can possibly be.

Are SKD heading for the UK Official Singles charts? No. But if they did happen to strike a number one single, you get the feeling they wouldn’t be very happy about it.

Summer is finally here and White Reaper are going to grab you by the ankles and drag you through it kicking and screaming, in a very good way. Out 24.06.14 on Polyvinyl Records.